Tuesday, July 1, 2008

The Book of Philippians

God has been taking me over and over to the Scripture in Philippians 4:11b ~
  • "...for I have learned, in whatsoever state I am, therewith to be content." (King James Version)
  • "...for I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances." (New International Version)
  • "...Actually, I don't have a sense of needing anything personally. I've learned by now to be quite content whatever my circumstances. I'm just as happy with little as with much, with much as with little. I've found the recipe for being happy whether full or hungry, hands full or hands empty. Whatever I have, wherever I am, I can make it through anything in the One who makes me who I am." (The Message Bible verses 11b-13)

I added different versions because, the KJV is the one that is precious to me, because that is the one that I learned growing up. The other two are very good, also.

I could go and buy or look in our closet for all of the Bible Study books that have been written on the Book of Philippians. Instead, I am being encouraged by the Holy Spirit to listen to Him and to listen to you. I love Bible Study, because I am richly blessed by hearing all of the different angles that each person brings to the table from his or her own personal life or spiritual experiences.

So, let's pretend that we are sitting around my kitchen table with our Bibles open, note books opened to a blank page, our pens raised, our coffee or tea simmering in our cup or cooling with our ice cubes, the fragrance of cinnamon and sugar is coming from our coffee cake up to our nose and we are excited to see what God is going to show us today in His Word. "Today in His Word"...a book that was written 2,000 years ago and it can touch us and break us and form us today in 2008!!

Will you join me? Will you enter in? Will you read and ask God to show you (and me) what He needs to teach us for our lives today?

In His Service,

Debbie Gerstenberger


  1. I first read your blog post last night, and didn't comment because I wasn't sure what direction you were intending to go with it. Later, as I was getting ready for bed, I realized that I have become very discontent.

    I am content with my choice to be a stay-at-home, homeschooling mom, I am content to have 5 sons and no daughters, I have even learned to be content with being more isolated, living 7 hours from family.

    I have become very discontent, however, with the attitudes I'm seeing develop within my home. I grumble that my dh won't get rid of the TV, which I believe is usurping any family time we could have. I am very unhappy about the lack of love and support I see among our sons. I am becoming increasingly discontent with our choice to home church, largely because it makes it too easy to 'forget' or get too busy to actually do any worship or Bible sudy, and no one besides me seems to notice or care.

    While I believe all of my discontents are valid concerns, I also have noticed that as I grumble and fuss about things, it is adding to the discontent in the family and the bad attitudes already existing. I need to find some way of presenting my concerns so that it is not just grumbling and fussing, but pulls them onto my team to work out the issues. As things stand, I feel very disrespected and devalued in my position within this family.

    No doubt, being the only woman in the home is part of it. They all speak the same language and I'm the odd man out (pun intended lol) When they were boys it wasn't much of an issue, but now that I have 3 men in the house, and will be adding another teen next month, the communication gap has really gotten out of hand.

    I don't really have any answers yet, but you asked for a conversation among friends, and this is where the Lord led me from your verse.


  2. Dear Luann,

    Thank you for being our first commenter!!

    I do agree that you have valid discontents. Our Lord here on earth had valid discontents with the Pharisees and the money changers, etc. When I was reading your comment, I was reminded of a true story that I heard once. The mom in the family was responsible for getting ALL of the family off to school and work in the mornings. She found herself having to raise her voice in order to achieve her goal. One morning, she woke up with laryngitis. She could only whisper her directions and "guidance" as her family began the "turn style movement" in their kitchen. All at once, she noticed that everything was going much smoother and calmer...she realized how much her voice in the mornings set the tone to the start of the day!! I am not suggesting that you whisper in the morning, but this is to remind us all how we ladies are the "tone setter" for our families, like it or not.

    God's Word says "Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God." And wouldn't you know that it is found in the book of Philippians ~ the book that we are going to be studying!! May I suggest that you and your family at a time chosen by you, write down one thing that happened to you and them that was good that day. Then, at supper time or the time chosen by you, pull those slips of paper out of a jar and read them out loud. See if this will start some type of conversation at the dinner table!!

    Just a suggestion...

    Debbie G.

  3. This verse of Phil. 4:11 is a great one and a key to our walk with the Lord and our faith in Him. Though I have not always been content in every situation... it is when I pull myself away from the situation where I am not being content and bring it to the feet of our Lord in prayer (and mainly with the depletion of my spirit) that I find the contentment desribed here. For me it is not the struggle of being content with much or alot of things, but being content with where God has me in my life and where He (spiritually minded) has the loved ones around me... my sons and dear hubby! I can relate with Luanne on so many issues. I am a homeschool mom of 3 sons and one daughter, and live 7 1/2 hours from family. These things too I am content with... It is the attitude of the homelife~ the one thing I live for sacrificially to nurture and grow that has my feathers all fluffed.
    I needed to step away as I said earlier... literally I packed me bags and stayed in a hotel a night ago to be alone with the Lord. He did show me where some changes needed to take place, and first it was in me accepting the way He made the men in my life and how to better relate with them! Yikes! When you hand things over to our Lord depleted, He will show you great things...
    PS~ Miss Debbie you are right about whispering (even if you do not have laryngitis)... it is alot better then yelling, and it makes others learn to listen better.
    A humbled daughter of the King, Cher

  4. Hi Debbie,

    You know they say the 3rd time is a charm, so I hope you get this comment.

    I'm so happy you chose to do Philippians as your book for the bible study, as you know Chapter 4 is my favorite chapter in the whole bible. Also you know I tell you often that I'm standing on the verse that whatsoever state I'm in therewith to be content.

    In today's world they try to tell us we need to do or get this and that to make us happy, but we know that God is the only one that can help us find love, joy, peace, and contentment through believing his word, and letting him lead and guide us.

    May we as women learn to be that Proverbs 31 woman. I'm not there yet, but with God's help, I want to be her.

    I agree with you about the woman of the home usually sets the tone for the household. Even when things are happening beyond our control, we can show God's love inspite of how the others are acting. It isn't easy in the days we live, because people don't respect other peoples' feelings. There is a scripture that says in love preferring one another. We all need to read I Corinthians 13, the love chapter.

    May God richly bless you as you study and lead this on-line bible study, and may we be a blessing to one another.

    Love you,


  5. Woo hoo Mama ... a blog! I am so impressed! And, YES! Philippians ... one of my favs too (right there with you Darlene!) It'll be a fun journey.

    As far as this post goes with the 'theme' being contentment - that's kinda huge, isn't it? I have mulled over in my mind for years how contentment really relates to every Godly attribute. Can we really be patient without contentment? Can we really have joy without contentment? Is it possible to truly love without having contentment within ourselves? I haven't ever totally made up my mind, but I have leaned heavily to saying that contentment is a major factor in being able to show these fruits of the Spirit in sincerity and consistently. IMHO!

  6. Hello, my daughter...

    Great comments, as always.

    The theme Scripture in Phil. 4:11 (funny...that is our phone number here in the US to call for information!) is about contentment. When we get there, I cannot WAIT to discuss what we think this verse means...does it mean that we CANNOT have goals and dreams...does it mean that we cannot aspire to lofty targets?
    Just something for all of us to think about in the back of our busy minds....

    Love, MOM
    Debbie G.
